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Vulcan Fire is already included in Vulcan Next and is production-ready.

Documentation in progress.

Easy CRUD for GraphQL servers

In a nutshell​

In greek mythology, Fire is Apollo's twin sister. That's why Vulcan Fire completes Apollo GraphQL so well!

Apollo GraphQL provides a way to easily setup GraphQL in JavaScript applications, server-side and client-side.

Vulcan Fire is a toolkit to be more productive with Apollo.

Vulcan Fire makes CRUD operations easy​

When coding your application, you might notice that some operations are always the same for any kind of data:

  • you need to Create, Update or Delete data
  • you need to Read data, either a single document, or a list of items

This is what we call "CRUD" operations.

In your Apollo server setup, this means that you need to code at least 4 resolvers for each kind of data. A blog with Authors, Articles and Comments already needs 12 resolvers!

In your Apollo client setup, this means you also need to code at least 4 type queries to either get or mutate the data. A basic blog app will need at least 12 graphql queries!

Yet, all your code will look vaguely the same: you check permissions, you update the data, your run some code when before or after the database operation...

Let's improve that!

Free CRUD resolvers for your data model​

Vulcan Fire provides:

  • πŸ“‘ Server-side, an engine to automatically generate your GraphQL schema based on a simple JavaScript object that describes your data
  • πŸ“‘ Server-side, 5 default resolvers that can either mutate data (create, update, delete) or fetch data from your database (getting a single specific item, or a list of multiple items)
  • πŸ“‘ Server-side, resolvers for hasOne and hasMany relations between entities (eg a blog Article and its Author and Comments)
  • πŸ’» Client-side, 5 hooks to easily consume data: useCreate, useUpdate, useDelete, useSingle and useMulti
  • πŸ’» Client-side, a few optional autogenerated UI components to display the data: form, datatable, card (work in progress)

It works for any database​

Fire can plug to any database, as long as you can implement the basic CRUD operations to build what we call a "Connector".

We provide a Mongoose connector out-of-the-box.

There is no lock-in​

Vulcan Fire makes you productive in the early stages of your application development, or even later on.

However, if you start needing very custom and complexe code, there is absolutely no-restriction. You can still write normal Apollo GraphQL resolvers as you would do without Fire.

There is also no obligation to use Fire hooks client-side. Or to use React. Or even to client-side GraphQL, thanks to tools such as Wundergraph. If you need only a backend, you might like our Vulcan Express starter.

Give it a try!​

The easiest way to start with Fire, is to discover either our Next.js starter or our Express starter.